November 9, 2005

Election Returns

Why do I care about school board election results from Dover, Pennsylvania? Because this is the school board that implemented mandatory teaching of intelligent design -- with little or no thought except to ideology.

Yesterday, voters in this small town voted out each and every member of the school board who voted in favor of intelligent design.

[UPDATE -- November 10, 9:26 a.m.] Perhaps the former Dover School board was too underinclusive and was thrown out for not including enough differing theories for the existence of complex biological systems. Obviously, I'd be in favor of adding Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, but there is also the theory of Unintelligent Design. Check it out.


Anonymous said...

If the intelligent designer was so intelligent, then he/she/it/they would have designed the voters to vote to reelect the the board members. Maybe the designer is just a C student.

Burt Likko said...

Good point, my friend. I'm so focused on the "design" element of this issue that I've completely forgot to consider the "intelligence" facet. What if humanity is the result of unintelligent design?