November 23, 2008

Freedom Of Speech Does Not Extend To Atheists In Rancho Cucamonga

From the Really Bad Ideas Department: the city of Rancho Cucamonga pressuring a billboard company to remove a sign paid for by the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Of course, in Rancho Cucamonga you can see billboards for strip clubs, casinos, and millenialist churches. They apparently have freedom of speech. But not atheists. I imagine that the lawsuit will be filed bright and early tomorrow morning. I hope it goes all the way to judgment.

UPDATE: The City of Rancho Cucamonga says it had nothing to do with the billboard being taken down. Its response to a complaint letter implies that it was all the signage company. That, in turn, suggests that the company gave in to pressure from religious groups offended at the mere existence of atheists. Well, atheists have money, too.

1 comment:

DaveBuck said...

I see the problem with the government forcing a billboard company to take down an ad. But, what is wrong with asking?

Is there a legal precedent or rule we can review to assess exactly what the local government body did?