Normally, my attitude is that I'm no better than any of the other people with business at court and I should stand in line with the rest of them. And when the line takes ten minutes or so, I do. When I have a chance of being seen by a juror, I do.
Today, though, I was suffering the echoes of a migraine that I had medicated away with near-constant aspirin use -- one full gram every six hours -- and sheer willpower to make it through a day. And I was in no mood to wait an hour to verify that I didn't have any weapons. So I cut in line, flashed my bar card, and proved that I had no weapons. The deputies took one look at me, determined I was harmless, and let me through despite my tie-tack that set off the metal detector.
Migraines can really knock someone down and out. Yesterday, I couldn't take time out to let it hit me, and so I did what I could to suppress it. When I get the migraine, the headache pain can be quite intense. It localizes in the frontal lobes of my head and sinuses. Even under a lot of aspirin, it still hurt to lean forward, bend over, or turn my head suddenly. I fatigue easily, and I feel the pain circling around my skull like a circlet. If I let it go, I get nauseous, dizzy, and I lose the ability to tolerate bright lights and loud noises. When the migraine hits, it echoes for days afterwards. I've found with huge doses of aspirin, I can dull the pain enough to function -- if I catch it early enough.
So when I had the echoes going this morning, that was it. I put aside my small-"d" democratic tendency, pulled rank, got into the courthouse, and found myself a quiet part of the hallway to sit and read my papers. Fortunately, I didn't have to wait too long before my case was called and I could go back to my relatively quiet office. Tonight, I'm going to try and get a nice full night of sleep so that I can recuperate some more and hopefully deal with my full court calendar tomorrow morning.
...And hopefully avoid making more scatalogical jokes about Congress.
1 comment:
Have you figured out what triggers the migraines?
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