"Vinegar? Why?"
"Because the coffee tastes horrible. I want to clean the coffee maker."
"We used to do that!"
"You stopped?"
"Well, no one wanted to do it."
"Okay. I want to do it. I drink that coffee and it tastes like there's years' worth of oils built up in there."
"Yes, and that vinegar cleans it right out! We should really do that more often."
"You get the vinegar, I'll do the cleaning."

"Um... Clark Gable?"
"Oh my, yes."
"I... I don't understand."
"Clark Gable was in that movie where he got very upset at his lady friend for cleaning out his coffee maker, because he liked all the residue. He said he got it to taste just right."
"Ohhh-kay. So, anyway, how about that vinegar?"
1 comment:
My sentiments exactly, after having been party to that surreal conversation.
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