August 20, 2007

Shaved Critters

While we were away, we had the animals in a kennel. The kennel was, aside from our airfare, the single most expensive thing we paid for on the entire trip. But it was worth it, since it enabled us to go in the first place.

As we were preparing to go to St. Helena, I got a call from the kennel, asking what kind of "exit grooming" we wanted. The Wife and I had discussed this previously, and we agreed that we wanted them shaved. That's right -- naked critters, devoid of all their fur. Or at least, as much fur as they could get off. It's been really hot so this will help the animals stay cool -- and it will slow down the slow drowning in animal fur that had been happening on the lower levels of the house.

We were very pleased with the results, although I wish that the dogs' whiskers had been left alone. The cats look scrawny and pathetic, like they'd just been rained on or (as The Wife says) like lambs just shorn of their wool for the first time. Except for the big bob of fur at the end of both of their tails. It's hard to say whether Ginger....

...or Jordan...

... is the most dramatically different of the two.

The dogs were presented to us in colorful bandannas, which they have been tolerating very well. We tried dressing them up in bandannas before, and they ripped them right off of each other. I had expected Sassafras to look more or less the same and Karma to come out looking a little different, but it was the other way around. Karma's spots are a little clearer...

...but Sassfras looks so much paler and whiter....

...and her tail is much skinnier, too. It's also waggier; the dogs have been very excited and excitable since coming home. I guess they missed us and didn't like the kennel very much. The cats are behaving more or less the same; we had been warned that they would be more shy and retiring without their fur but we really haven't noticed much of a difference, other than Ginger being a little bit more talkative and insistent on her share of play time. She is still more retiring and anxious to seek shelter from the dogs while Jordan takes matters into her own paws somewhat more aggressively:

So the critters are all right. We got them lots of treats and have given them plenty of loving upon our return home. But now it's back to the regular routine, which will likely suit them fine.

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