August 28, 2008

Oh Yeah, Some Political Guy Gave A Speech Tonight Too

Read the whole text of it here. It was, of course, delivered in a magnificent way. Including the invocation of the language of Scripture at the end, loosely underlining the point of my previous post.


Thomas said...

at least the dems dont shove religion down our throats. im independent so i have no allegiance to either party, but the dems appear to be much more inclusive.

Burt Likko said...

That's probably true. I'm bugged that the Dems are moving closer to the GOP on that score, though -- and further away from voters like me who do not feel the call of faith at all and even if they did would divorce that faith from political decisions.

Michael Reynolds said...

I watched the speech on tape delay, so I may not have seen the same angles as home viewers. But I found it interesting that in the shot of Obama the grand temple was reduced to a Huckabee-esque floating cross over one shoulder. Subtle, but I think not accidental.