Obviously, the big story will be the election. The primaries might be all over five weeks from now -- but I suspect that the Republicans will not have sorted things out all the way by then. It's still a four-way game right now, and anyone could win. Here's hoping it's McCain or Giuliani rather than Flip Romney or the Huckster. (That's the cue for you to take a drink, by the way.) And while I'm intrigued by what Barack Obama is offering the Democrats, I think he won't be able to go over the top and 2008 will see the first woman nominated by a major party rather than the first African-American. Which is a little too bad, but that's how it goes.
There is reason for guarded optimism in Iraq. Violence is down (not gone) and our tactical and strategic vision has improved there. Too little, too late? Let's hope not. (Take another sip there, cowboys and cowgirls.)
The Packers are in the playoffs, with a first-round bye. So that's exciting. (Drink again.) We have no idea if Favre will play in the 2008 season, though. But for now, we can hope that we'll get by Dallas in the NFC Championship game, assuming Terrell Owens is still suffering from his high-ankle strain, and take a shot at bringing Lombardi back to Green Bay. (Toast!)
For me, 2008 starts off with a trial, Wednesday, in Stinking Bakersfield of all places. Well, it may look like a short hearing, but there's short hearings and then there's hearings that are tantamount to a trial, and this one is the second variety. Thanks to a lot of help from the office staff, who stayed late to re-create my trial books, and a fortuitous set of rulings from the court, I can have a lot of confidence in the result. (I could use a little love here, Readers; drink up.)
The Wife and I will continue plugging away out here in the desert -- incrementally improving Soffit House and enjoying our critters and our time together. We're talking about trips to Tennessee, Wisconsin, and Yosemite. I hope to work on that judicial application, and will continue writing here. But for now, to all my Loyal Readers, my traditional wish in Italiano. (If there's anything left in your glass by now, here's your cue to drain it.)

Drive safe, everyone.
Yay! Lunch (or coffee either one) sounds great! Saturday would work great for us!
Let us know where and when to meet you. You can get my contact information by looking up my real name on the California State Bar's attorney search website.
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