May 11, 2006


This is my 500th post on this blog. A five hundredth anniversary is called a "quincentennial." Easy to remember because you can think of the exotic fruit quince.

It's now been 333 days since I started blogging on June 13, 2005. That's an average of 1.5 posts a day. Site usage information tells me that there is a loose corps of about 100 readers who check in periodically; I don't know who most of you are. And that's cool.

Speaking of anniversaries, The Wife and I will be spending ours next week driving from Wisconsin to Tennessee after visiting our families there. Any ideas on what I should get her, aside from a full tank of unleaded? (Gasoline: the gift that says, "Yes, honey, we are still in Indiana.") Seriously, though, I should get her something other than finally agreeing to return to California. She's been singularly responsible for getting me through our time out here and I'm very grateful to her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing says I love you like really expensive candy imported via the Internet.

Or a trip to Acapulco, since she is trying to learn Spanish.