Male Golden Retriever seeks female of similar size, build for exercise, play and more???? Interests include playing fetch, eating people food, and harassing household cats. Box 133932.
ME: Fem. Daschund, territorial, likes to do tricks for treats and people food. YOU: Submissive male, Beagle-sized, spayed or neutered, with access to people food, enjoys being licked obsessively. US: Non-breeding companions chasing squirrels and barking and neighbor dogs and passing skateboarders together. Box 310027.
ARF ARF ARF ARF! Neutered Collie mix, sedate, seeks similarly-mooded dog for companionship and shared body warmth, sporadic bursts of activty when doorbell rings. Access to people food a plus. Box 299615.
LET ME SMELL UNDER YOUR TAIL! Active, curious Jack Russell terrier (spayed) seeks pug, schnauzer, or other JRT for tug-of-war, ball games, wrestling with gentle biting and ear-tugging, barking contests. Bring people food! Box 192581.
PORT. WATER DOG seeks poodle or other water-loving companion to share home with pool. Enjoys clogging drains with shed, chasing birds, people food, and sleeping on the couch when people are out of home. Box 208549.
ARE YOU THE LEADER OF MY PACK? Submissive greyhound mix seeks friend with strong herding instinct. Also enjoys people food. You must not bite to assert dominance but wrestling is OK. Box 099813.

1 comment:
Love the 'people food' anchor.
made my morning.
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