October 9, 2008

Newly Evolved Earthworms Eat Heavy Metal

Your basic earthworm, you plop him down in a bunch of soil laced with particulate arsenic, lead, and copper, well, he dies. Why? Because he can't digest those things. But these little babies eat up the heavy metals and like 'em just fine. They make it easier for plants to harmlessly leach up the metals, and help purify the soil.

Question -- if evolution is not something that occurs in nature, from where did these visibly different earthworms come from?


bobvis said...

where did these visibly different earthworms come from?

From their two ancestors on the Arc.

zzi said...

I saw Heavy Metal and though he's gone he Beavis route.

Sheila Tone said...

Whoa, check out Cottage! He doesn't even look animal. He looks like an electronic novelty from Spencer's Gifts.