April 29, 2007

Scrabble Score

The Wife likes 9-tile scrabble. This morning, she got three 50-point bonuses in a row. It's hard to come back from that, but I made a go of it.

Each turn's score is on the left; running totals are on the right. She wound up winning by 33 points but I came back from being down by 161 points (after her triple-word score for "lodges" and "stove").

The Wife
86 burglars 86
104 vampires 104
12 broom 98
74 failings 178
11 cruet 109
78 bemoaned 256
10 peeve 119
18 el, to, lodge 274
29 sleazy 148
35 lodges, stove 309
72 ungotten 220
14 away 323
29 elixir 249
11 yo, on 334
31 raj, ere, na 280
18 ranks 352
15 feats, if, re 295
15 owe, one 367
21 hid, he, id 316
15 hid, id, hi 382
20 dicta, pa 336
-13 (i, i, q, u)

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